
in the midnight中文是什么意思

  • 夜深月明时
  • 在半夜



  • 例句与用法
  • Sometimes i wake up in the midnight hour , tears rolling down my face
  • Reading is the flying in the midnight , a great important part fo my life
  • Thus , a blazing spear , a sword of flame , a bow , or a sheaf of arrows , seen in the midnight sky , prefigured indian warfare
  • Thus , a blazing spear , a sword of flame , a bow , or a sheaf of arrows , seen in the midnight sky , prefigured indian warfare
  • In order not to affect the train services in the daytime which are used by 750 , 000 passengers daily , the test runs can only be carried out in the midnight after the close of traffic
  • In order not to affect the train services in the daytime which are used by over 770 , 000 passengers daily , the test runs can only be carried out in the midnight after the close of traffic
  • In order not to affect the train services in the daytime which are used by over 780 , 000 passengers daily , the test runs can only be carried out in the midnight after the close of traffic
  • Leo got xiao - xiao and asked her to return the bottle back . but he was surprised to know that xiao - xiao had been friend with yi - shun before , and she was actually amiable under her nasty outlooks . xiao - xiao told leo that he could meet his past love again at the cape of remembrance in the midnight on july 7th
    于是leo一路追著小小要她交出薰衣草瓶,却意外的发现小小和以薰之间竟然有一段特殊的情谊,而外表叛逆的小小其实和以薰一样是个善良的女孩,小小还告诉leo ,七夕的午夜,在思恋峡上能和自己死去的爱人相会。
  • Even though they changed the bed spread for me , its very dirty for lack of water . fortunately i was very tired or ill cant asleep for sure i was awake in the midnight and cant sleep again . so i got up and walk out , want to enjoy the dim light of night in the small village
    由于那屋长期无人居住散发着一股股浓浓的霉味,尽管他们盛情地给我换上才清洗过的“床上用品” ,但是因为缺水等原因都是脏兮兮的,幸好我已经非常疲惫,否则肯定无法入眠但是半夜里醒来我再也睡不着了,于是起身走出屋外顺便去领略夜半三更的乡村之夜色,这时向光明的老伴这位五十多岁的妇女正在挑担子准备上路了。
  • In the midnight of 3rd dec 2006 , guangzhou symphony orchestra gso in short was back to guangzhou city after the 24 hours long trip from doha leaded by cao chun liang minister of department of culture of guangdong province and yu qi keng vice - minister of department of culture of guangdong province , president of gso . gso had a great successful performance in the opening ceremony of the 15th asian games in doha
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in the midnight的中文翻译,in the midnight是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译in the midnight,in the midnight的中文意思,in the midnight的中文in the midnight in Chinesein the midnight的中文in the midnight怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
